Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!!

This Halloween is Aiden's first...and we celebrated by doing nothing!
Our ward had a party for the kids tonight , but it started right
when Aiden goes to bed - and based on his grumpiness,
the party would not have been a good idea.

Tomorrow night we are heading to Rosemary (Matt's sister and her
family are packing up and heading off to New Zealand for
at least 2 years - so we are going to have
one last hurrah before they leave).

That means no trick-or-treating for little Aiden. I am a bit
sad about it - i know it's silly - he's little, he can't walk, he can't eat candy...but it
still would be fun! Oh well. There is always
next year, and the year after, and the year after that...

Anyways, we did have a few chances to dress Aiden up in his costume.
I know I've put some pics up already, but might as well add a few more!
Happy Halloween Everyone!


Aiden & his best bud Cameron

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