Sunday, January 4, 2009

A Bunch of Stuff

OK - So I have made the decision that my personal blog is being too overrun by my pictures. I have started another blog - until I can get an actual website - for my photography business. It's here if you ever want to have a peek (please do!!)

Now that that is done - I can get this place back to being about my own family again. Which is good - especially since it is the only form of a journal I've got going on right now.
So, brief family update. Nothing too interesting happened this past week. Matt had the entire week off of school. It's been so nice having him home! I hate that he has to go back to school tomorrow. It's going to be lonely here!

We have been trying to wean Aiden off of his bottle. It hasn't been real easy. He LOVES his bottle. I know it's bad - but he's always been put to bed with a bottle. So now, he relies on that. The past few nights we've had about 2 hours of screaming once he goes to bed - then I either rock him to sleep - which is bad, because that's teaching him to rely on something else - or we give him a bottle of water. Also bad, because it's still a bottle, but better since it's just water. I hope he figures it out soon - and if anyone has any tips, feel free to send them my way!!

Other than that, not much is new. I tired to take a few pictures of Aiden today in my favorite outfit of his. He wasn't being overly cooperative, but they still turned out pretty cute!

He would only sit still when we fed him jelly bellies
His lips look super funny!

My favorite Aiden smile! What a goof!


Carlee said...

My advice is start as you mean to go on. I think I read that in the baby whisperer and it has been good advice. If your ideal is that you read some stories, rock for a few minutes and then put Aiden in his crib to fall asleep on his own, just start doing that. He'll figure it out eventually if you are consistent. Jack spent a lot of nights crying himself to sleep for hours, and I'm not going to lie and say that is easy, but it's awesome now. So worth it. said...

oh yikes, i give Ethan a bottle before bed and then lay him down. I have never given my kids bottles in bed at all, but none of them have drunk out of a sippy cup... they will drink water or juice but not milk!! weird! huh.

And who am i to know what good or not, my 3yr old does not sleep through the night, and Ethan has once!! lol

The Gibb Family said...

Yeah - Aiden won't drink milk from a sippy cup either. It's ridiculous! As for the putting in bed with a bottle - I am blaming Matt. THe habit started when I went away with my mom - even though Matt denies that. Grrrr!
I've been giving him less milk in his bottle - and a bedtime snack. He is doing a lot of screaming still, but a bit less every night. I think that once I get home I am just throwing all of the nipples away - and then I will do the story-time, rocking thing. I'll keep my fingers crossed!!
Thanks for the advice!