Saturday, April 26, 2008


I've been spending some time snooping at peoples' blogs lately and I have finally decided to give my own a try. We'll see how long it lasts!
I guess I will start off with telling you a bit about my life. I married Matt in 2003 - almost 5 years ago. It was just the two of us, until 6 months ago when we welcomed Aiden into our family. He is our pride and joy - we just can't get enough of him.
I was working as a Dental Assistant until Aiden arrived. Now I spend my days at home being a mom. It's been a big change to be at home everyday, but I love it! Aiden is such a fun boy and I can't believe how fast he is growing up. Matt is still a full time student. He is in the dentistry program at the UofA. He is just finishing up his third year, so only one more to go. The end is finally in sight!
Anyways, off I go. Aiden is finally in bed so we are going to watch a movie.

1 comment:

the fellers said...

yay for starting a blog! Can I add you to mine? This is Vinnie by the way, and I love that picture!