Monday, December 15, 2008

The Cookie!

The other day me and Aiden were at Safeway buying groceries. We got in line to pay and an older guy got in line behind us. Aiden stared at him for a really long time, it was funny! Aiden wouldn't smile, wave, move, nothing. Anyways, this guy was buying a big tub of cookies. He asked if Aiden could have one - and I said "Why Not". So, he gave Aiden this cookie. Aiden took it and held it and continued to stare at the guy. He wouldn't bite his cookie, wouldn't let me put it in his mouth and definitely wouldn't let me take itaway. It was really funny!
I let Aiden hold his cookie all the way home, and once we got home, he still wouldn't let me take it
away. I put him in his high-chair with his cookie
and he played with it for about half an hour.
And he only ever ate the teeniest tiniest
bite - What a nerd!!

And I know that picture of Aiden is not very flattering - but he wasn't into the camera that day!

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