Friday, January 23, 2009

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

So, as most of you know - Matt finishes school at the end of April.
That means that we get to leave Edmonton (yippee!!) and move to a new place.
The problem is choosing that place.
Right now Matt has two options:
One is in the city that we want to live in, but the job is just medium.
The other is a pretty much perfect job, but in a city that we don't really love.
So, what do you choose?!?!? Neither option is bad - but which is better?
It's been a bit stressful for us. It's a HUGE decision! And we want to make the right one.


Alana said...

Decisions like this are hard. I hope you are happy with whatever you end up doing but will be sad when you leave Edmonton

mykideatsdirt said...

Have you spent much time in the city that you don't love so much? Maybe you should try a mini vacation where you pretend he's already got the job and you're looking to move there. Have you attended any of the wards there? Do you have an idea of what area you'd like to live in?

Alana's right, this kind of decision is hard. It really depends on what you're willing to put up with and what you're willing to sacrifice.

Good Luck! You will be missed. :)

Janae said...

Wow! That is a tough decision, although I’m jealous that you are at that stage in your life. After thinking it over, I would go for the perfect job and the not so great city. My reasoning is that you can always leave the city on vacations and such, but the job is a little harder to leave. Whatever you choose I wish you lots of luck on your new adventure!

Also, I love exploding dog pictures.

Emily said...

ohh.... good luck with that one. if you want to move once and stay there, i'd go with the more awesome city, and then matt can set up his own practice in a few years and make it an awesome job and awesome city without you guys having to move again.
oh yeah, are you shy? i only see you in the context of large family gatherings which is different than real life.
Good luck with your move wherever you go. said...

mmhh, if it was me, i would go with the not so great mediocur job, jsut the fact that he can move into his own practice, or move to a different dental place later.. but you will be in the city youlove.. BUT saying that, if he's gonna HATE the job, then i would say would to the not so great city, after all, it's no fun to work at a job that you don't like.. 3rd option is to move to lethbridge, and live happily ever after! :)

Carlee said...

I would be selfish if I were you and pick the city you really want to live in. Work is only part of your life but you have to be there all the time. Also, jobs aren't always what you think. Adam's job didn't seem great when he started, but it's been the best possible job he could have had in almost every way. Tough choice though, so I wish you the best!

Janae said...

Okay, I may want to change my vote after remembering what Matt is doing. If he is able to open his own practice in a few years or so, then definitely go to the city you love. But if it’s the job he is going to have for much, much longer, then go to the better job. Wow…that is tough. Maybe I don’t envy this stage of life as much anymore!

The Gibb Family said...

Wow! Thanks for all of the advice everyone! It's nice to hear some opinions other than our own and our parents! haha!
I'll let you know what we decide, once we do decide.